Prompt vs Cues & 5 Prompt Levels for Progress Monitoring


There are 2 FREE handouts in this download:

  1. Prompt vs Cue - I really needed a list to differentiate between a PROMPT & CUE. So I put one together. I hope you find it helpful. Please let me know if you think of anything else I should add!

  2. Prompt Levels for Progress Monitoring - I have been using this rubric since 2015. Use any type of recording system you like, e.g. plus-minus, check-X. Since I write my notes on my phone on Google Keep which transfers note to my computer. I use Y for yes and X for no - the letters are readily available. Note then gets copies into a digital program required by my county.


There are 2 FREE handouts in this download:

  1. Prompt vs Cue - I really needed a list to differentiate between a PROMPT & CUE. So I put one together. I hope you find it helpful. Please let me know if you think of anything else I should add!

  2. Prompt Levels for Progress Monitoring - I have been using this rubric since 2015. Use any type of recording system you like, e.g. plus-minus, check-X. Since I write my notes on my phone on Google Keep which transfers note to my computer. I use Y for yes and X for no - the letters are readily available. Note then gets copies into a digital program required by my county.

There are 2 FREE handouts in this download:

  1. Prompt vs Cue - I really needed a list to differentiate between a PROMPT & CUE. So I put one together. I hope you find it helpful. Please let me know if you think of anything else I should add!

  2. Prompt Levels for Progress Monitoring - I have been using this rubric since 2015. Use any type of recording system you like, e.g. plus-minus, check-X. Since I write my notes on my phone on Google Keep which transfers note to my computer. I use Y for yes and X for no - the letters are readily available. Note then gets copies into a digital program required by my county.